Saturday 20 September 2014

Enhance Your Natural Beauty by Using Cosmetic Dentistry

You can make a great first impression—and even look many years younger—when you have a bright and healthy smile. So before you try Botox or undergo a drastic facelift, why don’t you try fixing your teeth? Advances in cosmetic dentistry have made it easier, faster, and cheaper to upgrade your smile. Now it’s possible to change the shape, size, and alignment of your teeth, fill in gaps, whiten, and even repair chipped teeth.

Below is a list of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures you can try:

Composite Fillings  
Amalgam fillings and gold restorations are no longer used to restore teeth. New cosmetic fillings now look more natural and can be matched to your color of your teeth.

Porcelain Crowns (Caps) and Fixed Bridges 
Dental porcelain can now be sculpted to replicate the natural tooth enamel while ensuring resilience and strength. Porcelain crowns and fixed bridges are perfect for recreating the function and form of damaged teeth. A fixed bridge essentially replaces a missing tooth using the surrounding teeth as foundation.

Porcelain Veneers 
For teeth that are misaligned, chipped, discolored, or worn down, dental veneers may be the answer. They are custom-made, wafer-thin shells of porcelain designed to cover the tooth’s front surface, improving its color, size, length, shape, and general appearance. Porcelain veneers tend to resist stains better than other types of veneers. They also better mimic natural teeth. Getting porcelain veneers typically involves three trips to your dentist. The first trip is for consultation, and the next two are for making and applying the veneers. You may experience some discomfort during the process, but the experience in general is not painful. Very little reduction is required for porcelain veneers—typically only .3 mm—so the tooth is not likely to react.

Tooth Whitening
Undergoing tooth whitening treatment is one of the easiest ways to enhance your natural beauty. A brighter smile can instantly make you look more youthful, radiant, healthy, and happy.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are often the first choice when it comes to restoring missing or damaged teeth, and it’s easy to see why. Below we enumerate just some of its many benefits.

1. Implants are the next best thing to natural teeth. Well made implants look, feel, fit and function like natural teeth. They do not interfere with speaking, eating, smiling, and other everyday activities. They also don’t cause bone deterioration.

2. Dental implants are built to last. If you are looking for a long-term solution, this is the way to go. Bridges and similar options need to be replaced at point, typically after 7 to 10 years. Dental implants last a lifetime and only need periodic adjustments.

3. Enjoy life without dentures. Have you ever worried that removable dentures might loosen or fall out while you are eating, talking, or laughing. With dental implants, you can be carefree.  Go ahead and laugh, kiss, cough, and yawn as usual. Implants are fixed in place, so you never have to readjust them.

4. Dental implants allow you to retain your natural smile and face shape.   

5.  Speak and eat easy. With dental implants, you don’t have to adjusting to removable dentures that often make it hard to pronounce words or eat properly. Implants function like natural teeth, so there’s no learning curve. You can continue to experience the joy of eating without hesitation. Bite naturally and eat anything you want.

6. No more cavities. Cavities do not occur in implant-restored crowns or replacement teeth. That said, you need to visit your dentist regularly for cleaning. You also need to take good care of your gums and mouth daily, like you did when you had natural teeth.

In addition to all these, dental implants are also considered more ‘predictable’ compared to other restoration and repair methods. The track record of dental implants is quite stellar; it has been proven to be a superior long-term solution for teeth repair and replacement.